The Green Campus and Environmental Policy
Scope of the Policy:

The Green Campus and Environment Policy will develop exciting new co-curricular and extracurricular practices that encourage students and staff to take the lead in creating positive change. These initiatives call for a thorough review of all infrastructural, administrative functions from the standpoints of energy efficiency, sustainability and the environment.

The focus areas of this policy are:
Objectives of the Policy:
Clean Campus Initiatives

Universal College of Engineering & Research had pledged to actively coordinate cleanliness activities in the college and beyond the campus in accordance with the vision of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It commits to continue with this Programme.

The broad vision is as follows:

  1. Generating mass awareness on cleanliness and hygiene amongst students and staff members by holding regular cleanliness drives. The idea is to motivate them to contribute in a proactive manner.
  2. Activities under ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ will be a key component of all the community work being done by Green Warrior volunteers of the college.
  3. Staff Members will be encouraged to participate in the cleanliness drive in the college campus.
  4. Remove all kinds of waste material like broken furniture, unusable equipment etc.
  5. Administer of the pledge by students and staff members to maintain cleanliness of the college campus and its surrounding areas on an annual basis.
  6. Conduct workshops on the 3Rs: Reduce, reusing and recycling of waste.
  7. Commit to manage waste and maintain clean campus especially during college events.
Landscaping Initiatives

It is a vital part of the life of a campus, providing space for study, play, outdoor events, relaxation and aesthetic appreciation. Green campus landscapes also manage runoff, help recharge groundwater, and clean and cool the air on campus. The landscape serves as a visual representation of the campus community’s commitment to sustainability. As campus landscapes are so visible and accessible, landscaping initiatives are a great way to build awareness around the environment. There are more than 150 trees and more than 500 shrubs on campus. The landscape of trees and plants provide the 1000+ students and staff with clean and cool air and is a soothing environment.

The diverse green cover of Universal College of Engineering is also home to a number of animals and rare birds across at least 24 species, creating a campus rich in biodiversity. The college commits to enriching this healthy habitat and maintaining the symbiotic relation of the institution with nature by

  • Organizing annual tree plantation drives
  • Encouraging student clubs to hold tree planting events
  • Clean Air Initiatives

    We encourage our students and staff to use public transportation. The entry of automobiles inside the campus is restricted to discourage the use of private vehicles.

    Our campus is also located rural part of Pune. For this reason, we feel responsible to maintain our green cover. The abundant natural landscape cleans the air on campus.

    Infrastructural Initiatives
  • Renewable Sources of Energy:
  • Universal College of Engineering is dedicated to minimize and sustainably manage its use of electricity. The college believes in reducing the consumption of electricity produced by non-renewable resources by switching to clean energy sources like solar energy for purposes like hot water to the Hostel students. Hence solar panels were installed on top roof of the hostel building.

  • Energy Saving and Energy Efficient Equipment:
  • We commit to install environment-friendly electrical appliances that save energy and reduce wasteful inefficiencies. The college believes in using cleaner energy such as LED lighting.

  • Water Conservation through Rainwater Harvesting System:
  • Universal College of Engineering has committed itself to the effort to replenish the groundwater table by practicing rainwater harvesting. This practice helps in the replenishment and recharge of the groundwater.

    Waste Management Processes

    Universal College of Engineering & Research strives to have a minimal impact on the environment and is dedicated to reduce and manage the waste generated by the college campus. The following specific procedures will be undertaken to ensure UCOER contribution in protecting the environment.

  • Solid Waste Management:

    With its aim to provide holistic education that also has a positive impact on the environment, the college will adopt practices that will mitigate the generation, and manage solid waste through the following methods:

    • Systematically engage with the 3Rs of environment friendliness (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).
    • Collect paper waste produced on campus and collaborate with scrap dealers for recycling.
    • Reduce solid waste by developing a technology-centric teaching and administrative model.
    • Reduce use of paper by supporting digitization of attendance and internal assessment records.
    • Reduce requirement of printed books by updating the e-books and e-journals collection of the college library.
    • Take initiatives to spread awareness amongst students about
      • Food wastage and ways of minimizing it
      • Minimizing the use of packaged food
      • The habit of reusing and recycling non-biodegradable products
      • Organizing workshops for students on solid waste management.
  • Liquid Waste Management:
    • Maintain leak proof water fixtures.
    • Minimize the use of water by constructing more Indian style toilets instead of western style toilets.
    • Continued employment of a caretaker to take immediate steps to stop any water leakage through taps, pipes, tanks, toilet flush etc.
    • Reuse of wastewater generated by the Reverse Osmosis (RO) system in Washrooms.
  • E-Waste Management:

    UCOER ensures that its usage of technology and generation of e-waste does not impact the environment. For this purpose, the college plans to strive towards:

    • More provisions for the disposal of the institutional e-waste.
    • Awareness amongst students about reduction of e-waste and environment friendly disposal practices for e-waste.
  • Awareness Initiatives

    Outreach and education are of utmost importance so that all members of the campus community may value the objectives of the policy and aid in its implementation. This is why UCOER supports and encourages awareness campaigns, seminars, workshops, conferences and other interactive sessions to facilitate effective implementation of the Green Campus, Energy and Environment policies.

    Environment-centric Student Clubs and Department Activities

    UCOER encourages all the departments and specific student societies like Green warriors and others to organize events, competitions and training sessions that will bring about positive environmental changes at the grass root level. The college supports departments and student clubs in molding the students into active agents of environment protection and conservation.

  • Green Warriors:
  • Institutional changes towards sustainability and eco-friendly practices have percolated down to the students which have led more and more students to join Green Warriors. Making the club a compulsory one will provide it a bigger platform to broadcast the institution’s environmental values to raise awareness. This will aid the green initiatives and practices that are a part of this policy to grow exponentially.

  • Green Audit:
  • The college aims to regularly conduct a Green Audit of our college campus to assess our strengths and weaknesses to further our goals of long-term sustainability. A green audit is a useful tool to determine how and where most energy or water or resources are being used. The college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can determine the type and volume of waste. Recycling projects or waste minimization plans can be adopted. It will create health consciousness and promote environmental values and ethics. It provides a better understanding of the impact of ecofriendly practices on campus. Green auditing will promote financial savings through reduction of resource use. It is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future.

  • Energy Audit:
  • An Energy Audit to be conducted as and when required to further reduce its carbon footprint. The importance of reducing energy consumption cannot be overstated. The energy audit, with its specialized tools will identify wastage of energy. Such an inspection often reveals several different flaws which cause a loss of significant amounts of energy which the college will not be able to detect. These flaws often have easy and affordable solutions and provide significant savings.

  • Plastic-Free Campus:
  • UCOER has been observing most of its duties in terms of solid waste management since its inception. In view of the Government of India’s resolution to ban all single use plastics due to the hazardous impact of plastic use and pollution, the college administration strictly bans the use of single use plastics in its premise to make it a ‘Plastic Free Campus’.