Code Of Conduct

UCOER does provide an inclusive environment for everyone with tolerance and harmony towards regional, cultural, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities. Different cultural activities are organized inside the college promote harmony towards each other with active participation of all the students and faculties. Many regional festivals like Dassehra, Navratri and Diwali etc. are celebrated together in the Institute. UCOER has adopted a good practice of birthday celebrations which establishes positive interaction among people of different racial and cultural backgrounds.

As per the Vision, UCOER believes in providing spiritual based holistic education to the students. And sensitizing students on our constitutional rights, values, duties and responsibilities is one of the primary educations given at the institute through various means. In this regard, the institute, apart from imparting professional education, inculcates a feeling of unity among the student community through various practices and programs. The faculties ensure that the students participate in all such activities enthusiastically.

Admission process for students & faculty recruitment process is open for all including other state candidates. As the maximum admitted students in the Institute are rural area background students, special care is given to them in concern with teaching, solving their personal issues, language issues.

UCOER has implemented the practice of reciting the National Anthem at every morning before start of the day; Institute also celebrates Independence day, Republic day with great enthusiasm thus placing Nation as first priority.

Commemorative days like International, Yoga day, Women’s day , Teachers day, Youth day, , Gurupournima day etc. are celebrated together in the Institute, therefore contributes to the spreading of Constitutional values and principles.

As initiatives of the students & teachers the events like health camp, covid-19 awareness programs, and Vaccination & Mask distribution camp had been organized. Sessions on the importance of Yoga & Meditation as well as training programs for personal growth of students as well as staff are regularly being organized.

Career guidance programs and campus visits for 10th and 12th class students are also being conducted in nearby regions where exposure of different career opportunities is given to students. Outreach programs like Swachha Bharat Abhiyan, Tree plantation drive, Anathashram visit were organized in nearby places to create awareness among students, faculty & villagers, thus contributing to duties & responsibility of citizens.

In fulfilment of their obligations to the teaching profession, teachers will striveto:

The purpose of code of conduct is to set specific path and regulation for smooth working of institute to accomplish its vision and mission. Code of conduct for students is authorized documents intended to introduce and maintains equality and discipline among students to keep institute interest and reputation.

  1. All student of UCOER are bound by the laws and regulation of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), All India council of Technical Education (AICTE) and statutory bodies of government of India amended time to time. Any suspicious action disobeying the law will he referred to corresponding authority for investigation and action.
  2. UCOER believed in encouraging safe, secure, environmental friendly campus by enforcing rules in campus:
    1. Every student of UCOER is issued with an individual identity card, library card. These cards will remain the property of UCOER and students are required to present this identification to concerned authority upon request.
    2. Regular classes/practical sessions will begin at 9:00 in morning and concludes at 5:00 in afternoon.
    3. Student should be regular and must complete his/her study in institute in allotted time period.
  3. Participating or performing following activity or event is considered as punishable offences:
    1. Any suspects intending to discrimination based on collar, cast, religion, language, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability and family status.
    2. Any type of ragging inside the institute campus.
    3. Planning for meeting or possession in institute campus without permission from institute. 3.4. Working for a religious or terrorist group banned by statutory bodies of government of India.
    4. Carrying weapon or potential weapon, explosive, communication in the institute.
    5. Threatening to any students or staff of institute.
    6. Drinking/ selling of alcohol inside the institute campus.
    7. Chewing of Gutkha, tobacco or smoking in institute campus.
    8. Throwing of empty bottle in institute campus.
    9. Disobeying the instruction/Misbehavior with security guard of staff of institute.
    10. Illegal access to resources or locations.
  4. All student of UCOER has right to have:
    1. Harassment free campus for self-learning.
    2. Regular feedback on academic progress.
    3. Be treated with respectful and equitable manner.
    4. Enquire and speak freely.
  5. Every student of UCOER has responsibility to:
    1. Value the assets and privileges of other.
    2. Ensure all reformation given to institute is correct and not misleading.
    3. Maintain conducive environment for smooth functioning of academics activities.
    4. Be self-motivated and active member for learning.
    5. Behave in manner which does not bring reputation of institute down.
    6. Check notice board. Web-site of institute for updated regulation and policies laid time to time.