Department of Applied Sciences started in the year 2009 is well equipped for teaching the basic principles of Applied Science. It offers good practical training in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry to meet the academic requirements of engineering course. The Department has a very strong commitment to feed the budding engineers with updated knowledge. It provides an environment conducive for developing the skills of the students. The staff members are very enthusiastic, dynamic and committed towards all the activities the department plans to execute.
Department ObjectivesThe chemistry lab has a built in area of 115sq m.The lab is well equipped with all the chemicals and glassware’s as per the norms of the Savitribai Phule Pune University. All the instruments are not only useful for the regular practical’s but also for research work.
The Physics lab covers an area of 69 sq m. It is well equipped and has a provision of a’ Darkroom’. The lab consists of a number of equipments related with optics , electromagnetic, sound engineering, semiconductor physics and solid state physics.
The basic Electrical and Electronics laboratory is utilized for performing experiments related to fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, subject common to all first year undergraduate students of the college. We are all surrounded by electrical and electronic devices.
The Engineering Workshops consist of the Machine Shop (metal work), the Fitting Shop, the Foundry, the Smithy, the Welding shop and the Carpentry.
S.No. 430, Sasewadi,( Near Katraj New Tunnel) Tal.Bhor,
Dist. Pune 412 205.
7588058880 / 9881150007
7020889334 / 7219355487