Department of Civil Engineering offers four years undergraduate course in Civil Engineering. The objective of the program is to produce well-trained and professionally competent professionals imbibed with the knowledge and capability to face the dynamic and increasing challenges of the professionals today.
During initial two years, the course content revolves around common engineering courses that deal with basic concepts in mathematics, science and fundamental engineering principles, followed by a balanced-mix of core courses in the civil engineering discipline.During third year, the courses offered provide fundamental knowledge in areas of civil engineering such as basic theory of structures, geotechnical engineering, water resources engineering, surveying, structural analysis, and design in concrete and steel structures, transportation engineering and environmental engineering. These courses give a solid foundation in problem solving and analytical thinking, which are essential for civil engineering students.In the final year, the program concentrates on training students in professional civil engineering subjects as well as personality development and aptitude. The students are also required to complete a project in any of the specializations in civil engineering.
Department Vision:
Department Mission:
Computers providing 24 hrs Internet facility, Auto CAD, STAAD Pro. (5 user), GATE software, Civil Software Packages, E TAB and SAP 2000.
Minerals and Rocks
Wind Tunnel, Tilting Flume, Impact of Jet, Pelton Turbine, Francis Turbine, Reciprocating Pump, Gear Pump. Redwood Viscometer, Hydrostatic Bench, Modified Bernoulli's apparatus, Venturimeter, Reynolds apparatus
Law of Polygon, Belt Friction, Varignon's Theorem Apparatus and Digital Planimeter.
Compression Testing Machine, Flexural Testing Machine, UPV, Rebound Hammer, Profometer, Concrete core Cutter
Total Station, 1" L.C. Theodolite, Digital Planimeter, GPS, 20" L.C. Theodolite
Permeability Meter, Direct Shear, Tri-axial Shear, Vane Shear, CBR Apparatus
BOD incubator, COD apparatus, Spectrophotometer, Muffle furnace , PH and turbidity meter, Water Distillation Apparatus
Loss Angels Abrasion, Marshal Stability, Crushing Test Apparatus, Softening Point Apparatus, Ductility, Flash and Fire Point Apparatus
S.No. 430, Sasewadi,( Near Katraj New Tunnel) Tal.Bhor,
Dist. Pune 412 205.
7588058880 / 9881150007
7020889334 / 7219355487